

For the last few days & weeks, I have been questioned about the status of Boracay Island after the statement made by President Rodrigo Duterte about Boracay becoming a cesspool. There were lots of questions… Is it true? Will Boracay be closed? Should we cancel our trip to Boracay? What is going to happen to the workers in Boracay Island? Look at the pictures of Boracay, does it look like a cesspool? This is located at the West of Boracay and the water was tested by DENR to be safe for swimming. Why did the President mention cesspool in Boracay and why are there pictures of dirty water in Boracay? Are you wondering what is true and fake? Well, those dirty water that you see in the pictures are true and they are located at the East of Boracay. The drainage system was not properly done that caused some problems and some irresponsible establishments are having problems with their sewage system but the fake news is the whole of Boracay Island is a cesspool! The who


Safety Tips of Bringing your Dogs in the Beach. Bringing your dogs in the beach will always be so much fun but there are things you have to know for the safety of your dogs, Read this tips and learn. 1.  Not all dogs can swim.  That’s right, the doggie paddle does not come naturally to every dog … like Ty for example. In fact, certain breeds like Corgis and Pugs don’t swim at all. Find some quiet water and give your dog a chance to show you if he can swim or not by encouraging him to follow you. Never throw your dog in the water and expect him to swim. 2.  Drinking salt water is a bad idea.  This is logical, and yet getting Buster continues to try to lap up the ocean. The more I want him to stop – the more he wants to drink. In the event you have more luck with your dog, pack plenty of water to keep you both hydrated. 3.  Invest in a life vest.  Waves, current, and rip tides can quickly exhaust your dog, and that can be deadly. Life vests made specially for dogs come in all s


Planning to Take Seniors to the Beach: Consider Important Tips for a Safe Trip Grandparents have arrived for a few days, and you are planning to take them to the beach for some fun time. Getting in the car and going on a trip with our grandparents is not the same as going on an impromptu weekend trip when we were in our 20s. A trip to the beach is not about what we want to do, but what others can do, and by this I mean grandparents and our senior parents. We need to consider everyone’s limitations, including medical conditions before planning any trip. Also, before going on a short trip in Boracay Island, select nearby areas that will not take lengthy travel times. The following are some important tips to consider when going on a trip to the beach with a senior loved one: Consider travel-time, distance and time of day; making a short trip would be a first good choice. Make sure to include extra time for restroom stops, and always select a safe area to stop. If you are g


10 Ways to Communicate Effectively We are facing communication daily in our lives and its very important to understand the most effective communication skills. Check this 10 ways to help you improve and become a better communicator. Pause before responding.  I don't know about you, but I'm often in a rush for something and whenever I'm trying to communicate, I'm usually trying to do so quickly. As hard as it is for me to just pause sometimes, I've actually found that it works wonders when it comes to communicating more effectively with others. Sometimes just that tiny break, giving you time to think, is just what you need to really understand what someone else has said or to formulate the thoughts you really want to convey. Be trustworthy and honest.  When you're trustworthy and honest, communication becomes a lot less complicated. You don't have to think about what you're going to say wrong and you don't have to worry about uncoveri


Character of a Good Reader Photo By: Times Higher Education A good reader actively thinks as he reads and Good readers possess the following characteristics:  Reads Rapidly and Accurately A good reader reads fluently. A child must progress from individual word decoding to automaticity -fast, accurate and effortless word identification. The ability to read words rapidly and accurately allows a child to focus on understanding the text – the ultimate goal of reading. As a child progresses, the evolution will lead to understanding the text as a whole rather than the individual words. When a child struggles with word identification, his attention is no longer on understanding the written text but rather identifying the word. Repeated reading (rereading the text for speed and accuracy) and modeled reading (hearing what it should sound like) are both great ways to improve fluency. Sets Goals A good reader establishes a purpose for reading. Prior to reading, a ch


Today February 9, 2018 is the Launching of Safety Video for Chinese tourists coming to the Philippines.  


The Beauty in the Island of El Nido. One of the best thing to embrace the beauty of the Islands is to explore their attractions, It is often said that we're living in this world full of beauty, charm and adventure so enjoy and exlpore more to discover more amazing experience. Check this photos as Master Peter Tay  explore the beauty of Underwater Cave at El Nido. Getting Ready To Explore The Paglugaban Underwater Cave In El Nido. Dive Briefing By Master  Alex Santos  Before Entering The Cave For Day 2. Practice Out of Air Situation As Doner & Receiver And Light Out Situation. Swimming In Total Darkness In The Cave.