
Showing posts from June, 2012


This week has been very challenging! Being a Tour Guide is not as easy as what many people think, having to deal with difficult guests is a challenge. At times their demands and requests are unacceptable! We are in the service industry and our job is to provide good service but we are after all still human and we still need respect. I have travelled to many countries in my life at a very young age, I went to Malaysia on my own when I was 12 and travelled to the Philippines when I was 18. In my early twenties, I have travelled to USA & different parts of Asia. The furthest I have been is Germany & England in my early thirties. I cannot remember an incident that I have given any problems or difficulties to anybody when I travelled to their countries. Even thought I am a paying customer, I still treat them with respect. Perhaps I was brought up well by my parents, they always remind me not to create problems or difficulties for people. When guests arri


這禮拜,是一個考驗忍耐極限度的禮拜,大家都是人生父母養的,服務業也是人,為何人要處處去為難人? 當有些人做出無理要求,我們可以當做考驗,我們可以當作經驗,我們忍氣吞聲賣的不只是專業,我們賣笑賣服務,但是當你提出要求時請將心比心,你受得了這樣的對待或當你被提出這樣的要求時,你是否也做得到? 我從小也是世界各地到處跑,也是當過客人被人服務,但我卻不會提出無理要求或冷眼對待作服務業的人,可能是我的父母從小教我種種做人處事的道理跟教養。當客人抵達機場,我們會以最大的笑容迎接各位貴賓蒞臨,第一天做完導覽,在遊覽車上也會介紹長灘島,照例會詢問自費行程是否參加,如無意願,也不要求或強迫,我們做到應儘的義務告知這些吃喝玩樂的訊息,同樣是以專業的態度去面對各位貴賓。 我無法接受這些不想付出代價又提出無理要求的人,一分錢一分貨,好的東西不一定便宜,便宜的東西不一定是最好的,想要擁有好的享受,說句現實話有“錢”可以滿足你的需求。 做為導遊,我們依照合約,依照他們買的行程去帶,行程的好與壞都是客人自己買的自己選擇的,和我們無關,吃素的貴賓必須要瞭解到,在長灘島“素食”是件很困難的事,不管是為了宗教信仰或身體健康,在我們的觀念中,吃素的人應該是很有教養懂得體諒別人慈悲為懷的師主!而不是一位虛偽帶著假面具為難別人的人。 做為潛水教練長,必須保持著以身作則的形象及良好的體力去面對大眾及服務大眾,當導遊時,我不會和客人喝酒,是因為我必須保持清醒看著所有貴賓的安全,況且導遊的工作內容裡面並沒有包含“陪酒”。我是導遊我不是神,下雨,天氣熱,淹水,這些天決定的東西我怎麼會知道為什麼,怎麼去控制?在車上已經先說明清楚,長灘島這個地方就是走路靠兩條腿去認識這裡,不想走路OK,錢給下去就可以不用走路,坐車囉!還有客人曾經客訴“導遊坐車不付錢”這件事!當場傻眼在那裡,這也可以“客訴”??? 人與人之間應有的尊重與對待是基本的,不管是什麼行業是哪一國人是什麼樣的人,這叫做“做人的道理”。不論是哪個國家的人,希望不要連這基本的做人處事態度都沒有,這樣只會丟了教育你的父母長輩老師的臉。相見即是緣!出國就是放鬆渡假就是要開開心心的出門平平安安的回家,所以我們會以專業的態度服務各位貴賓,我們會以最大笑容面對各位貴賓,行程內容的安排我們也會盡量做到最好帶著各位


I had an enjoyable holiday in Hong Kong & Macau, taking lots of pictures with my new Canon 7D. I took the direct flight from Hong Kong to Kalibo and upon arriving, I took a van back to Caticlan. During the journey, I heard a conservation between a Swedish & American. The American was first time to the island and the Swedish gave him some advises, telling him to be careful of Filipino that may get  a chance to cheat him since he is new in the island. Telling him that tricycle driver will over charge since he is white. Telling him to be careful of commissioners in the island, they may give him a low price but different services. Telling him to be careful of his belonging, it may be stolen when unnoticed. When I heard all these advises, I felt disgusted! Why would this Swedish gave such advises to someone who is new in the island? Is there some truth in what he said? He must have been cheated before, he must have an experience with a commissioner in the island to give such ad


很高興把客人送回台灣了, 明天再接一團. 希望不會接到有吃素的人因為在菲律賓特別是長灘島, 吃素是件不簡單的事. 上個團有客人埋怨我, 因為我沒有特別準備素食給他們吃. 作為一個導遊, 我們都盡量安排素食料理, 可是在長灘島就是很困難. 吃素的人不是為了身體健康就是為了信仰. 信仰教我們要慈悲, 教我們怎麼體諒別人,而不要讓別人難做事,為難別人. 這樣吃素還有什麼意義呢??? 反而那些不吃素的人,更能從寬待人. 我希望他們的信仰, 能真正的好好教導他們! 不要做個虛偽的人!!! 為難別人!!!


I was honored and privileged to be interview by GMA Network under Jessica Soho about Tour Guiding in Boracay Island. Apparently; there are too many foreigner Tour Guides in the island and it seem to be so easy to secure a permit to be Tour Guide. By securing some requirements set by Malay City Hall and making an initial payment of Php20,000.00, a foreigner can be a Tour Guide in the island. You may be wondering what about Working Visa? You will be surprised by making payment of Php30,000.00, they will be issued with a Special Work Permit for 6months and this can be renewed after expiration. I always wonder what is a Special Work Permit? If you are working in the Philippines and you are a foreigner then you must secure a 9G Working Visa. Furthermore, are these Tour Guides trained? Have they attended the Tour Guide Course organized by Department of Tourism Philippines in Kalaw Manila? Last 2008, I attended the Tour Guide Course organized by Department of Tourism, it was 1 month course