
Showing posts from May, 2015


Last May 21 - 23 2015 was the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) 31st National Convention held at Legazpi City, Albay. It was attended by more than 500 delegates all over Philippines. The theme for 2015 is " A Strong PCGA In Today's Changing Environment" aims to further strengthen the PCGA in its continuous effort to promote safety of life and property at sea, protect maritime environment and its resources, conduct maritime search and rescue and engage in activities to enhance maritime community relations.  At the start of the convention, 6 Officers from Western Visayas received the Dolphin Service Award from the Commandant of Philippine Coast Guard; ADM Rodolfo D Isorena. Dolphin Service Award is the highest Award an Officer can receive after giving more than 20years of volunteer services to the organization. All 6 Officers were from Western VIsayas but 4 of them, were from Boracay Island under Squadron 609th. COMMO Leonard Tirol (Soon To Be Rear Admiral), CO


Last May 12, I woke up with one of the worse news in my life! My dog of 13 years; “Beauty” pass away in the Veterinary Clinic and I was told he pass away at 2300hrs on May 11. I was sadden by the news but still need to be a professional and went ahead with my scuba instructions, I just text them to wrap her body with a towel and inform that I will collect her body later. While underwater, I thought of many good memories we were together. After deciding to stay in the Philippines, I decide to get myself a pet and bought Beauty when she was just 2months old, remembering how she was sleeping and how cute she was. We went to many places in the Philippines even making trips to Boracay. She was always around when I need a shoulder to cry on. When I was single, I never felt lonely. We were together in so many phases in my life from being single to marry and single again, she has always been there. In good or bad times, she has always been there! At times I wish time can move slowly