We love to seek out adrenaline-fueled activities when we travel. Experiences that you can’t have elsewhere are always on our must-do list. Boracay is the adventure capital of the Philippines – you can do pretty much everything on the island – whether young or old, solo or a couple or a family with children, there’s something for everyone!
Zip-lining is one of the most favorite activities of all time –loving that rush and the feeling of flying! And one of the best option is the zip-line in Boracay, which is about 620 meters long, 100 meters above sea level.
So you will start the activity by getting picked up by the company shuttle from the center of town along with your tour guide and be taken to the Happy Planet Zip-line and Cable Car Station. Located on the highest point of the island, the station offers a beautiful panoramic view over the island’s only golf course, resorts and one of its beautiful beaches.

The Happy Planet Zip-lining Station has amazing views over Boracay!

Unlike the other zip-lining courses you’ve done, this one differed – you’d be flying superman style! That’s right – instead of sitting upwards and holding on – and being in charge of stopping ourselves – this time you’ll lying down on our bellies, strapped in from above, arms outstretched! Rather than having to essentially be your own ‘brakes’, the zip-line came to a gradual stop with someone at the other end to catch us. I loved the idea of that – coming to a stop is usually the scariest part when zip lining, so I was glad to know I wouldn’t have to worry so much!

The other fantastic part of the zip-line was that there were two lines running – this meant that you had the option to go along with your travel buddy! You have the option to either zip-line tandem style – sharing the same line – or at the same time but on your own line each. It’s great to have the option, as because there’s always two of you there’s usually one person always having to go first, rather than getting to enjoy the experience together.

Helmets strapped firmly on and clipped into your ‘superman’ style harness, you will hold onto the barrier, looking over the edge…. and we were off! There’s nothing that quite describes the feeling of flying through the air, arms outstretched, soaring over the trees and buildings! You will definitely enjoy superman style of zip-lining – You could look all around you, back towards your buddy without it throwing my balance like sitting upright does.

Zip-lining in Boracay - superman style!

Then you will slow down in the last ten seconds of the zip-lining, coming into a gradual stop before connecting with a weighted barrier on the line, and then a second one that stopped us completely – it’s so great to know there’s no chance of you slamming into the wall, like the other zip-lines we’ve been on!
We didn't quite manage to get a photo of us both looking in the same direction... next time!

Climbing up a flight of stairs, the way back to the station was via an open air cable car – it’ll give you an opportunity to view all the things you’d missed as you whizzed by moments earlier! The aerial view of the island of Boracay gives you the opportunity to see just how much of a paradise island it really is – everywhere you look, green leafy palm trees, white sandy beaches and turquoise waters!

Enjoying the views from the cable car on our return trip!
 We highly recommend it! Even if heights aren’t your thing – it wasn’t too high, and didn’t go too fast – so give it a go! It’s a fantastic way to see the island from above and get that picture perfect selfie!


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