Step 1 – Decide Where You Want To Go
Defining where you want to go sets a goal to work toward. A lot of people talk vaguely about travel. They never say where they are going, just that they are going. Picking a destination is immensely important, as it gives you a definite goal. It’s a lot easier to mentally get behind “I am going to Boracay” than “I’m going to Philippines.” Not only will your trip become more concrete for you and easier to commit to, but it will make planning easier as well.
Step 2 – Decide the Length of Your Trip
How much does it cost to travel? I have no idea without knowing for how long you’re going away. You can’t figure out how much you need to save if you haven’t decided on how long you’ll be in your destination. After you say “I’m going to Boracay,” add “for 5 days.”
Step 3 – Research Your Costs
So you know where you’re going and how long you’ll be there, but to really nail down how much money you need, your next task is to research the costs in your destination at the style of travel you want. Do you want to backpack, or would you rather stay in luxury hotels? How much are hostels, hotels, restaurants, and activities? Knowing will allow you to estimate how much money you’ll need for your trip. You can begin with my travel guide section or simply buy a guidebook (which are really good for things like this).
If you are going to Boracay for 5 days and need $60 a day (not including your flight), you know you need to save $300 (though round up to $450 since it’s good to have extra) for your trip.
Now you have a concrete goal to work toward.
Step 4 – Start Saving Money
Time to start saving! Write down all your current expenses so you can determine where you are spending money and how you can cut back. People bleed a lot of money every day through small purchases: that bottle of water, the dollar for that snack, that extra coffee. All of that add’s up and creating this breakdown can let you know where you need to cut and save.
For example, if you need $2,000 USD for the trip you’re taking in eight months, which means you only have to save $8.33 per day. Couldn’t you find a way to save $8 per day? Heck, your daily coffee is most of that! Here are three easy tips that produce big wins:
·         Cut the coffee – That daily coffee costs you $120 per month ($4 per coffee). An extra $1,440 per year pays for three months in Southeast Asia! What’s more important: your daily cup of Joe or getting to spend two more months enjoying the beaches of Thailand or exploring the jungles of Borneo?
·         Learn to cook – Your food allowance will take the biggest chunk of your daily budget, so eating out it not always an option. It would be great if you can cook large amount of food and enjoy the left over for the next day’s lunch.
·         Get rid of cable – In the age of Hulu and free (and legal) streaming TV, there’s no reason for you to be spending $50 USD per month on cable television.

Step 5 – Get a Travels Rewards Credit Card
While you’re working to save money, get a travel credit card so you can earn sign-up bonuses to redeem miles and points for free flights and hotel stays. Most cards have bonuses of up to 50,000 points when you meet their minimum spending requirement (often $1,000 within a three-month period). That’s a lot of miles — enough for a free flight almost anywhere in the world.
If you want a free flight, use the cards that help with that. If you want free hotel rooms, get a hotel card. You don’t need to sign up for very many cards; pick one or two and focus on those. Do this the moment you decide you want to travel. Don’t wait — waiting equals lost miles, which means less free travel.
Step 6 – Switch to No-Fee ATM Cards
Don’t give banks any of your hard-earned money. Save every extra dollar you can by using a no-fee ATM card. Since every penny counts for your travel saving, $2 per transaction definitely adds up at the end of the month.
 Step 7 – Stay Focused and Inspired
Keep feeding your desire to travel. Reading inspiring stories, checking different attractions to your target place will definitely provide you courage to continue and reach your goal.
Step 8 – Check for Last-Minute Deals
Okay, you’re inspired, prepared, and on your way to saving money for your trip. But before you go buy that flight or book that hotel, check for deals you might have missed. You may dream of Paris but maybe there are great deals to Berlin right now. Maybe you can get a seven-day cruise for 70% off, a package deal to Palawan for the price of your flight to Boracay, or 50% off sailing trips around Asia.
Step 9 – Book Your Flight

After you’ve used your travel credit card and received your sign-up bonus, use your miles to book your flight. It is harder to use miles these days due to less availability, so make sure to book early to insure you get your desired flight.
Step 10 – Book Your Accommodation

If you have a set schedule, feel free to book accommodation for the duration of your trip, but if you are going to be traveling long-term, book just the first few days. Once you know the dates you’ll be in your destination, there is no real reason not to find a place to stay. My view is that waiting will just lead to you losing your top picks.
Love hotels? They won’t save you money, but you can sign up for some hotel credit cards and get free rooms, too.
Step 11 – Plan Your Activities

Sketch out the major activities you want to enjoy and how much they cost. Make any last-minute adjustments to your savings so you can ensure you have enough money. This will also help you figure out if you need any reservations for your chosen tours or activities.
Step 12 – Automate Your Bills
Get rid of your mail, go paperless, and set up online bill payment for your recurring bills to ensure you won’t miss any overseas. If you are still going to get paper mail, use a service like Earth Class Mail, which will collect and scan your mail for you. (If you are going on a two-week trip, you don’t really need to worry about this, so you can skip this step, too.)
Step 13 – Tell Your Card Companies you’re traveling
No matter how long you’ll be gone, it’s a good idea to let your credit card companies know you will be overseas; that way any transactions that you make aren’t flagged as fraudulent and your card is less likely to be blocked. There’s nothing worse than having to sit on the phone with your credit card company instead of enjoying your vacation.
Step 14 – Pack
Now for the things to pack, you definitely have a long list to bring but what’s important it to bring the essentials, if you are not staying for a long time just pack a few spare cloths and lotions and bugsprays. Travelling light is always better compared to hauling your big bags all over the place where you will be travelling to.
Step 15 – Enjoy Your Trip
Now that you know your destination, you know when are you flying, you now started saving. The last thing that you need to remember go on your trip and have fun! Head to the airport, board your plane (don’t forget your passport!), and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
But no matter your trip length, this list will help you stay organized as you prepare to step onto that plane and out into the world.


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