How to Rest, Relax and Refill?

Sometimes we have to Rest, Relax and Refill to refresh our life full of stressors. But how can we do that? Here are some piece of advice on how to Rest, Relax and Refill.


Time is one of our most precious resources. Each day our calendars are packed with appointments, chores, fulfilling obligations and responsibilities, and more. We don’t leave ourselves much time for rest which leaves us feeling frazzled and often unproductive and more exhausted than the day before. If you have the time, take a day off. Completely. For many of us, a day “off” means running errands and checking things off our list. It’s not a day “off” at all. Instead of trying to have a productive day off, have a pleasant day off. You’ll feel more good if you use those hours in the day to rest. Practically, make it a purposeful day of resting. If you have to, maybe spend a few hours in the morning taking care of errands and then spend the afternoon to yourself.


Relax and Unplug yourself from People and Technologies, Taking a break from your phone or the Internet isn’t new, and for many it isn’t possible to completely disengage from technology. Instead of taking a drastic measure of completely cutting off technology, try a small step. Choose a block of a few hours one evening where you won’t answer emails or non-emergency texts and calls. The practical way to do this is to put your phone away or put it on Do Not Disturb mode (which still allows incoming calls if a caller tries several times like in an emergency situation). Instead of answering emails or checking your phone, choose to take those few blocks of hours and relax. Technology allows us to connect and get things done quicker and easier, but sometimes, we need a few hours to relax. If you really have the time, then get away for awhile. This can be as simple as taking a walk or as grandiose as taking a needed vacation. Either way, this practically means stepping back from our daily lives to relax. When you return to appointments and tasks, you’ll find that you have a clearer and calmer mindset. This is why experts agree that taking breaks at work or while studying is beneficial. We are stepping away from the stressors just for a moment, so we can better tackle it when we return.


This one is easy to do, and you’ve been given permission to do it. Do one thing for yourself. Order your favorite, Eat your favorite food that you never get because it’s too expensive. Have a lunch at your favorite restaurant with your friends. Refill your mind a good thoughts, Read a few chapters of that book you’ve been dying to dive into.Do one thing to remind yourself that you’ve worked so hard and sometimes you forgot to eat and your tummy and mind needs a prefect break by refilling.


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