A Road to stress free and safety beach vacation tips.

Before hitting the waves, there are a few things to keep in mind. Safety first! You're safety is the most important, here are some Beach Safety tips that you should keep in mind for a safety beach trip.
Check the weather.

Remember how electric devices and the water are composite and it's dangerous when they combine? Neither do lightning and large bodies of water. Check the weather before heading to the beach. Avoid the beach if there’s lightning in the forecast and wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder boom before heading back out to the sand. Perhaps the beach will always be there tomorrow!   
Wear Slippers.

We know feeling the sand between your toes is part of the apotheosis beach experience. But when it’s upwards of 100 degrees outside, the squishy sand doesn’t feel so great and it can even caused burns, Be sure to bring a pair of any slippers with you in case the sand gets unbearably hot for your safety and happy toes.

Be Aware of the Waves.

They’re much more powerful than you think. Injuries resulting from strong waves can range from simple sprains, broken collarbones, and dislocated shoulders to more serious injuries including blunt organ trauma and spinal injuries. Shorebreaks or waves that break directly on shore have the potential to cause serious neck and spinal injuries. When in the water or near the water line (where the water hits the shore), never put your back to the waves. Also be sure to check in with the lifeguard before hitting the surf to ask about the wave conditions at your beach.

Pick a Swimming Spot Close to the Lifeguards.

Lifeguards are there for a reason they know and can see things about the beach that most beachgoers don’t. Take note of where they’re stationed on the beach and stay near them when swimming Most drownings occur at unguarded sites. Also be aware that currents will naturally push you down the shore, so take note of where you started (say, by remembering a stable landmark like the lifeguard’s flag or your brightly-colored umbrella on shore) and which way the current is moving. Return to that spot in the water regularly so you're never far from a lifeguard.

Learn How to Swim.

Swimming Skills Make a big difference, It can reduce the risk of drowning.Ocean swimming is different from swimming in a calm pool, be prepared to deal with strong surf before running in. If you’re at the beach with a child or adult who can’t swim, make sure everyone has a well-fitting lifejacket handy. If you’re going boating, every passenger should wear a properly-sized lifejacket at all times. Also keep in mind that the ocean floor is not flat and beaches can change drastically from year to year. When heading into the water, be aware that the ocean floor can drop off unexpectedly, so don’t move out quickly without being prepared to swim in water over your head.

Find Yourself Some Shade.

A few hours of baking under the sun can cause some seriously uncool symptoms and may even lead to severe sickness. Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and sun poisoning can all result from dehydration and extended exposure to high temperatures, so make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating liquids like coffee or alcohol. Symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and sun poisoning include confusion and dizziness, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, excessive sweating or lack of sweating, pale skin, swelling (particularly of the hands or face), rapid heartbeat, and confusion. Sun poisoning can also be indicated by skin redness and blistering, pain and tingling, or fever and chills. If you (or someone you’re with) display any of these symptoms, get out of the sun and heat (umbrellas are your friend), remove any unnecessary clothing, drink plenty of water, and take a cool bath or shower. If symptoms are on the severe side — swelling, confusion, painful and blistering sunburns — it’s best to seek medical attention.

Hydrate and Refill.

Extended exposure to heat and the relaxing effects of waves can make you dehydrate, Make sure to bring water with you to hydrate and refill.


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