Last February 21, a news release posted on the Department of Environment & Natural Resources website cited EMB6-figures showing bacterial levels in Boracay waters significantly exceeded DENR guidelines for recreational water. It said the EMB reported coliform bacteria levels in a drainage outlet that empties into the sea in Sitio Bulabog in Boracay exceed safe standards, reaching 47,460 most probable number (mpn) per 100 milimeter (ml) The safe level is 1,000 mpn/100ml for waters for swimming and other human contact activities.

You may be wondering if the water in Boracay still safe for swimming? Last March 3, the Environmental Management Bureau clear Boracay as safe and clean for swimming. Atty. Jonathan Bulos; Regional Director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau in Western Visayas assured that the coastal water along White Beach is not hazardous.

The EMB-6 indicating high content presence of coliform bacteria in seawater surrounding the island was actually taken from the mouth of the drainage system in Bulabog, the eastern side of Boracay Island. Bulabog Beach is not where tourists take a swim. Based on the lastest EMB-6 data, total coliform bacteria at the front beach only reached 58mpn/ml. It is very unlikely for the high coliform bacteria recorded in waters at the mouth of Bulabog Beach’s drainage system will reach beach waters on the front beach. Thus; it is safe to swim in Boracay!

Furthermore; with the strong leadership and political will of Mayor John Yap of Municipal of Malay, he launched the Boracay Beach Management Program with the rallying cry; “Para Sa Boracay Ako! For Boracay I will!” The program covers the seven priority areas:

1.  Local Governance: Visitors and residents are reminded to observe municipal ordinances against littering, smoking, extracting sand and pebbles, etc.
2.  Coastal Resources. Volunteer groups continue to perform regular beach and underwater cleanup drives. Artificial reef domes are being deployed and monitored in strategic areas to revitalize marine and aquatic life along Boracay’s waters. New coral growth from the coastal nurseries are being transplanted to degraded reef areas, while mangrove swamps continue to be protected.
3.  Watershed. Under the National Greening Program, Boracay’s CENRO (Community Environment & Natural Resources Office) is committed to planting an additional 120-hectares in the watershed areas to prevent soil erosion and improve water yield for safe and potable water on the island. This is in addition to the 428-hectares of forest plantations that have been established since 2008.
4.  Water and Waste Water.  Boracay’s water is certified to be safe for drinking straight from the tap, with meticulous testing to ensure that it is 100% compliant with the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW). It has also recently upgraded its sewage treatment facilities, where wastewater is treated to be safe for marine life and suitable for recreation activities upon discharge, complying with the Class SB Standard of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
5.  Solid Waste. Boracay now has three new dump trucks for more effective garbage collection, while the materials recovery facility continues to improve the processing of residual waste. A sanitary landfill is being built as a more long-term solution to solid waste management.
6.  Hazard Protection.  Young and dynamic volunteers man from the Boracay Action Group, Philippines Coast Guard and Philippines Coast Guard Auxiliary. Trained personnel, new sea patrol craft, and upgraded communications equipment all ensure that the island has sufficient capabilities to respond to emergencies and assist in disaster relief.
7.  Information, Education & Communication.  Workshops, seminars and training programs have been designed for the local government units to improve quality services among all tourism front-liners and ensure that tourists have a memorable “Boracay Experience.”  Social media is also being used to reach out to a wider audience through the Facebook page:
We are making effort to make Boracay Island a memorable place to visit and all these negative news against us will not weaken our spirit to make Boracay a better place, a better beach. In the days to come, we will continue to be the top 10 beaches to visit in the whole world.

Let’s do our part to keep the beach clean! If you see anyone littering in Boracay, give them a gentle reminder of our goals and mission. Don’t wait for someone or any clean up event to pick up trash along the beach, if you see trash as you walk, pick it up and throw it at the right place. Mabuhay Boracay!


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