
Showing posts from October, 2017


  The Kiteboarding Adventure.   Kiteboarding (commonly refered toy as kite boarding, sky boarding, and kitesurfing) is an adventure watersport that consists of using a large steerable kite to pull yourself around on a board on top of the water. The kites are controlled through the bar and lines that connect to your harness, which is worn around your midsection. The kite can be flown specific patterns to generate power, and can even be used to jump high in the air. And when we say jump, we really mean it. Professional kiteboarders can jump 50 or 60 feet high and can easily float for hundreds of feet when the conditions are right. That's nearly 10 seconds of air time!  You might be saying, "Yea, but they need to be really strong and have built arms to do that!". Thankfully, that is a common misconception. The harness that you wear takes most of the brunt of the force, while your arms are free to steer the kite


 The Flyboard Adventure.   Have you ever wished you could fly like a superhero? Or swim like a dolphin? At Boracay Adventures Inc. we like making wishes come true! The Flyboard is what you’ve always been dreaming of. It is a water activity that takes you to the next level, in your quest for adrenaline, like no other adventure activities can. Having the Flyboard, or rocket boots as we like to call them, strapped to your feet allows you to go up to heights of 30 feet in the air and dive under the water an shoot straight out again, exactly like a dolphin. Flyboard is an activity anyone can learn and only taking 5 – 10 mins. The experienced Flyboard instructors will train you before and during your experience and we guarantee you will fly. Description   The Flyboard is the newest extreme sport! It is an accessory that attaches to a PWC (Personal Watercraft) which gives the Flyboard propulsion through air and water. The propulsion is routed through the primary noz


 Beach Camping Tips. Can you think of anything sweeter than waking up next to the pounding surf, breathing in that ocean air, and feeling that unparalleled connection with nature? Make your next beach camping trip a roaring success with these indispensable tips: 1. Bring Beach-Specific Supplies      As with any camping trip, you’re going to need the basics. Tent, tarp, sleeping bag, cooking tools… you know the drill. One helpful trick of the trade that applies especially well to beach camping? Bring along a dustpan and brush. You’ll be happy that you did when you’re able to brush off the sand and keep your sleeping quarters clean. Another helpful piece of gear are sand stakes. These handy little tools are meant to hold their ground in loose surfaces, saving you a lot of potential tent frustration. 2. Sun Prep is Essential     Because beaches, by their nature, tend to be alongside expansive bodies of water, you’re going to want to prepare yourself for the glari


Benefits Of Eating Seafoods.   Seafood is one of the popular delicacies and every people will always loved to eat it. Their taste is irresistible and the fact that the food has no age limit makes it an excellent choice for most households. Over the years, studies have shown an increase in consumption of seafood. Apart from its great taste, there are numerous health benefits driving this demand.  Why We Should Eat Sea foods?   Some of the key health benefits of eating seafood include: Essential Nutrients   Seafood is known for its high nutritional value. Though it depends on the specific type of seafood that you eat, seafood remains one of the best natural sources of vitamins and minerals. Some of the nutrients like B-complex vitamins (B1, B3 and B12) found in seafood are important for the human body, with many benefits including increasing metabolism


RDM Leonard Tirol , COMMO Russell Cruz & CAPT Peter Tay & Members of Joint Task Force Boracay Attended Seminar On Foreign Fighters, Cyber Security & Intelligence Analysis Organized By Municipal of Malay. Said Training Was Conducted By FBI Agent Mr. Alexander Gordon Asst. Legal Attache of US Embassy Manila.


How Tour Directors Keep Tourists Occupied. One aspect of the role of tour director that often is under-appreciated is that of Entertainer. A Tour Director (TD) on top of their game will be prepared for this. The only surprise is that you don’t know when you will be called upon to provide entertainment, not if you will. There are a number of reasons a TD may have to entertain the group. Construction road delays are almost certain to happen in national parks, where summer tourist season is also road repair season. Weather-related phenomena such as rockslides and rainstorms cause delays and detours, and can occur most anywhere. It may also be that that day’s journey is lengthy with little variety to see out the window. Or a TD may decide that playing a game is a good way to orient guests to what they are about to see. Just know that playing games on a tour bus can be a minefield. Some people love to play games, some abhor games, and they are all on


Creative Ways to Propose on the Beach.    Proposal in a Bottle    Take your partner to the beach for a picnic. When you're just about finished eating, pretend like you see something along the shoreline. Trot over there as though you want a closer look, and take the opportunity to pull a small bottle out of your pocket in which you have a note with your proposal. Bring the bottle back to your partner, and ask her to open it and read you the note. When she reads it, pull out the ring you bought for her and give her a moment to put the two together. Once she clearly catches on to what's happening, ask her to marry you.  Buried Treasure    If you want to make a proposal that truly fits the setting, and you're sure your potential fiancee will appreciate an off-beat proposal, consider burying the engagement ring in a small treasure chest in the sand at a secluded area of the beach. Better yet, pick the location, and have a trusted friend bury


Ideas for a Classic, Romantic Beach Proposal. A pristine stretch of soft white sand and the gentle murmuring of the waves can provide an exquisitely romantic setting for a marriage proposal, but the setting is just one facet of the plan. You still need to decide how you're going to carry it all out. Think about your partner's personality, and then try to create an ideal proposal that's bound to inspire an enthusiastic, "Yes!" Here are some Ideas for a Classic, Romantic Beach Proposal :  Message in the Sand. There are many ways to make a romantic proposal in this setting. Picture the two of you on the beach, perhaps walking along hand-in-hand as you listen to the rolling waves and the breeze drifts across you. As you walk along, you come to a spot where something is written in the sand. You pretend you've never seen this message before but, in fact, you wrote it just a few hours earlier in a spot that won't get washed away wh


CAPT Peter Tay PCGA DAS of CGAS 609th Interviewed By China Xi’An Radio & TV Station On Safety & Security of Boracay Island. We are so proud and He is our Pride!


 Developing a Positive Vibe in the Workplace. Becoming successful is by no means an easy task in the world of today. No matter what you are doing, there’s always competition lurking out for you to be completely aware of. Be it a sports person or a businessman, you are always in constant threat of your competitor and your adversary taking over you.   In football, you can’t let the other footballer, who is always compared to you, to score more goals or keep more clean sheets so you always have to be on your toes and try to do something better. Same is the case with running a business. The markets of today are no longer dominated by one giant and other small companies; today there are tons of companies providing the same products or services and the customer almost becomes spoilt for choice. In such a situation, it becomes near to impossible to keep up the pace and people almost seem to be out of options. You need to remember to keep your profits intact and you also


Why its important to live life with adventures? Humans have a tendency to be very repetitious. We wake up in the morning. Go to school or work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. It's the same thing everyday. Yet we are comfortable with the same boring thing all the time. It's our comfort zone.  We live in a spot were we know we are safe and sound. But is that really living? Where is the risk? Where is the adventure? If we aren't living our lives to the fullest then why are we here at all? This is why it's important to live a life with a little adventure. Adventure is an experience that greatly impacts one's life and begins to define how they live after, but it is the exact definition that can be different for everyone. For example, someone's sense of adventure may be to go to Mount Everest and conquer the mountain while another person's idea would be to go on a hike in a nearby park. Even though these adventures are different, both people will learn


Sunscreen and Sunburn Tips and Hacks. We all know the importance of wearing a sunscreen whenever we're outside, as well as reapplying it frequently. However, it's easy to get burned, even if you think you're doing all the right things. In cases of severe sunburn, that causes extreme pain, nausea tipper blisters, you should seek medical attention immediately. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, an estimated 90 percent of skin aging is caused by the sun. If your sunburn is minor, we have a few sunburn hacks that will help you soothe that pain and burn, as well as prevent your skin from peeling: • Chill your sunscreen. Keep your sunscreen in the cooler. That way, when you apply (and reapply), you'll help to cool down your body, too. • Know when to apply and reapply sunscreen. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, you should apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to sun exposure and apply in one ounce portions — about a shot glass full. You sh


Transacting With Non-Accredited Tour Operators. Department of Tourism Region VI Issued An Advisory Regarding Transacting With Non-Accredited Tour Operators. This is not legal now in Boracay Island. So start transacting with Boracay Adventures Travel and Tours Inc. an accredited Travel and Tours Operator by Department of Tourism  Philippines , Book with us for Best Hassle free and Worry free Holiday now! Log On To For More Information.


 Mermbership Achievement Award. PADI Worldwide Proudly Recognizes the General Manager of Boraccay Adventures Travel and Tours Inc Peter Tay For 20Yrs of Outstanding Service In 2016. Membership Achievement Award Given By Professional Association of Diving Instructor President & CEO Mr. Drew Richardson. This is another testimony of Boracay Adventures Travel and Tours Inc. company, Its a proof  of having a great and potential leader ahead!