Why its important to live life with adventures?

Humans have a tendency to be very repetitious. We wake up in the morning. Go to school or work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. It's the same thing everyday. Yet we are comfortable with the same boring thing all the time. It's our comfort zone. 

We live in a spot were we know we are safe and sound. But is that really living? Where is the risk? Where is the adventure? If we aren't living our lives to the fullest then why are we here at all? This is why it's important to live a life with a little adventure.

Adventure is an experience that greatly impacts one's life and begins to define how they live after, but it is the exact definition that can be different for everyone. For example, someone's sense of adventure may be to go to Mount Everest and conquer the mountain while another person's idea would be to go on a hike in a nearby park. Even though these adventures are different, both people will learn valuable experiences that will ultimately change their lives.

There are so many reasons why we should embrace adventure in our everyday lives. First of all, we are all stuck in our safety bubble that we rarely try to experience anything new. It's very easy to get stuck in our safe routine and sometimes we just forget how to live!
Second of all, going on vacations and little adventures is scientifically shown to make a person happier; you forget about all your work problems and go love life.

You experience something new, which gives you the opportunity to share your stories. What's even better is when you find someone else who had a similar adventure and swap stories! 

Going on adventures gives you a new view of time. You begin to realize that we are on this Earth for only a fraction of what we originally thought; humans only have so many years until we are unable to go out anymore. Which is why people with adventure in their blood begin to live like each day is our last. 

This leads to the last reason why adventure is important in our lives: we only live once. I know it's the cliché saying that everyone goes on about, but it's true. Why spend our lives holed up in a little town with work that is actually pretty insignificant and wait for the adventures to come to us. But that is not how life works. Life wants you to go out and make stories—you to go out there and find the meaning of life. And unless you don't take that little step—that little risk—you will never experience adventure and, in return, life. 

So let's all put our phones, laptops, and tablets down and stop looking at those amazing adventure pictures on the internet and get out there. It doesn't have to be a trip to the Beach or the jungle. Remember, everyone's adventure is different; go talk to a random person and befriend them, attend a fancy diner that serves authentic food, or take a themed road trip for a weekend. These are all worthy adventures that beak up the daily norm of our lives. This is how you live. Do something different everyday and you will live a life full of adventure. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and claim your own adventure!


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