Creative Ways to Propose on the Beach. 


Proposal in a Bottle 


Take your partner to the beach for a picnic. When you're just about finished eating, pretend like you see something along the shoreline. Trot over there as though you want a closer look, and take the opportunity to pull a small bottle out of your pocket in which you have a note with your proposal.
Bring the bottle back to your partner, and ask her to open it and read you the note. When she reads it, pull out the ring you bought for her and give her a moment to put the two together. Once she clearly catches on to what's happening, ask her to marry you. 

Buried Treasure 


If you want to make a proposal that truly fits the setting, and you're sure your potential fiancee will appreciate an off-beat proposal, consider burying the engagement ring in a small treasure chest in the sand at a secluded area of the beach. Better yet, pick the location, and have a trusted friend bury it for you can keep watch over it until you get there. 

Leave one end of the treasure chest sticking out of the ground slightly so you can spot it and ask your partner what she thinks it might be. Encourage her to dig it out of the sand and open it. When she finds the ring, tell her she's the real treasure and ask her to marry you. 

Jewel in the Shell 


Finding a pearl in an oyster is an amazing thing anyone can appreciate, so why not try an engagement ring in a shell? You might need to actually purchase a shell big enough to hide the ring in without getting it jammed inside. 

Take your partner to the beach, and tell her you want to look for pearls. She'll probably think you're being a little silly, but just convince her to go with it. When she's looking the other way, pull the shell out of your pocket, and place it in plain site. Point it out to her and ask her if she checked that one. Watch carefully in case she spills the ring onto the ground when she picks it up. When she finds the ring, tell her how lucky she is and ask her if she'll make you the luckiest man in the world by marrying you. 

Extravagant Beach Proposal Ideas 


Exotic Vacation Proposal

Splurge on a tropical vacation for the two of you. Spend the day seeing the sights, and then plan to have a romantic dinner followed by a walk on the beach.
When you think it's the right moment, tell your partner how glad you are that she's here with you in paradise, and tell her the only thing that could make the night more perfect is if she would agree to marry you. Make sure you have a ring for her so she knows your proposal isn't an impulsive one, and she'll feel more inclined to say yes right away. 



When money is no object, fireworks can make an amazing backdrop for a marriage proposal. Hire a party planner to arrange a fireworks display at your favorite beach.
As you and your partner are watching the display, tell her you arranged the fireworks to show her what goes on in your heart everytime you look at her. Pull out your engagement ring, and tell her this diamond is just a symbol of one sparkle from the fireworks, but it's one the two of you can share the rest of your lives if she'll marry you. 

Spa Retreat Proposal 


An oceanside couple's spa retreat can set the scene for a very romantic proposal. Spend the day partaking in relaxing treatments together, like a warm mud bath and a hot stone massage. Take your partner for a candlelight dinner on the beach, and order Champagne for a toast. Work your proposal into that toast, and give her the box with the ring. When she says yes, you can clink your glasses together to seal the moment. 

Tips on Choosing a Beach


Before you head out to the beach with a ring in hand, visit it a day or two in advance at the same time the proposal is planned to make sure it will be a clean and picturesque location to pop the question. Some of the most important points to consider include:
  • Smells: Is the ocean breeze the only scent, or does the beach smell like an old aquarium?
  • Sounds: Waves vary in volume, and a whispered question won't be heard over thunderous breakers.
  • Sand: Is the sand easy to walk across? Is it clean or dirty? How far is the walk to the water?
  • Company: Is the beach crowded or isolated? Will an intimate proposal be disrupted by other beach-goers?

Make the Proposal Unique and Memorable

Every anxious and hopeful groom-to-be can find different ways to propose on the beach whether he is interested in a romantic, creative or extravagant marriage proposal. When the natural beauty of the water combines with the beauty of your love, the only trick is to avoid drowning in the moment..


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