Ideas for a Classic, Romantic Beach Proposal.

A pristine stretch of soft white sand and the gentle murmuring of the waves can provide an exquisitely romantic setting for a marriage proposal, but the setting is just one facet of the plan. You still need to decide how you're going to carry it all out.

Think about your partner's personality, and then try to create an ideal proposal that's bound to inspire an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

Here are some Ideas for a Classic, Romantic Beach Proposal : 

Message in the Sand.

There are many ways to make a romantic proposal in this setting. Picture the two of you on the beach, perhaps walking along hand-in-hand as you listen to the rolling waves and the breeze drifts across you. As you walk along, you come to a spot where something is written in the sand.

You pretend you've never seen this message before but, in fact, you wrote it just a few hours earlier in a spot that won't get washed away when the tide comes in. You ask your partner what the message says, and as she reads it, you pull the ring box out of your pocket and have it ready for her when she turns around toward you.

Romantic Bonfire.

There's something magical about building a small bonfire on the beach. Pick a secluded location where high tide won't reach and wind isn't very strong, and set up the bonfire ahead of time so it's ready for lighting when you get there.

As the two of you snuggle together gazing at the burning embers, tell her that she's very much like that fire. She's the light of your life, and she sets your heart on fire everytime you look at her. Tell her you can't imagine anything more wonderful than coming back to this beach every year to celebrate the anniversary of this moment, and then show her the ring and propose.

Picnic on a Moonlit Beach.

In another scenario, imagine the two of you having an intimate, romantic picnic at the beach on a moonlit night. Keep the meal light with wine, cheese, bread and fruit. When you've finished eating, pour another glass of wine for each of you and tell your partner you have one more treat to share.

Reach into the bottom of the picnic basket where you have carefully hidden the ring box, and set it gently on the blanket in front of her. Tell her the only thing more beautiful than the reflection of the moon on the water is the site of her face, and that you can't imagine sharing your life with anyone else. Give her your heartfelt proposal, and then wait patiently for her reply.

On Bended Knee.

Part of a great proposal is creating an image your partner will remember for the rest of her life. Take a lazy, barefoot stroll along the water's edge. When the moment is right, stop and gently drop to one knee. This gesture alone is going to send her over the moon because she'll know exactly what's about to happen. Choose your words carefully, make them sincere, and end with that phrase every marriage-minded girl dreams of hearing one day, "Will you marry me?"


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